BICEPS Jason Stuart BICEPS Jason Stuart

Lying Incline Barbell Biceps Curl

  1. Take hold of a suitable weight barbell and lay face down on a bench inclined at around 30 - 45 degrees. Your core is tight and your toes are planted firmly on the ground. Your arms hang down outstretched on the sides of your body, taking the weight of the barbell in a shoulder-width, palms up grip. This is the starting position.

  2. Commence the movement by curling the barbell up from the elbow joint and squeezing your biceps. The elbows should work like a hinge with the forearm being the only moving part. Exhale through the movement. Do not use momentum to throw the dumbbells up.

  3. When your biceps are at maximum contraction, squeeze for a second and then reverse the movement by extending the arms to the starting position, inhaling as you do.

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BICEPS Jason Stuart BICEPS Jason Stuart

Standing One Arm Concentration Curls

  1. Take hold of a suitable weight dumbbell and bend forward from the waist so that your lower back is parallel to the ground. Let your lifting arm hang down so that it is perpendicular to the ground. Your palm faces inward and the elbow points outward. The non-lifting hand is placed on the knee for support and balance. This is the starting position.

  2. Commence the movement by curling the dumbbell up from the elbow joint and squeezing your biceps. The elbow should work like a hinge with the forearm being the only moving part and upper arm remaining stationary. Exhale through the movement. Do not use momentum to throw the dumbbells up.

  3. When your biceps are at maximum contraction, squeeze for a second and then reverse the movement by extending the arm to the starting position, inhaling as you do.

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BICEPS Jason Stuart BICEPS Jason Stuart

One Arm Concentration Curls

  1. Take hold of a suitable weight dumbbell and sit at the end of a flat bench. Leaning forward, let your lifting arm hang down and wedge your elbow into the meaty flesh above your knee and and inside of your thigh. Your palm faces away from your body in an underhand grip whilst the non-lifting hand is placed on the knee for support and balance. This is the starting position.

  2. Commence the movement by curling the barbell up from the elbow joint and squeezing your biceps. The elbow should work like a hinge with the forearm being the only moving part and the elbow not leaving your knee. Exhale through the movement. Do not use momentum to throw the dumbbells up.

  3. When your biceps are at maximum contraction, squeeze for a second and then reverse the movement by extending the arm to the starting position, inhaling as you do.

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BICEPS Jason Stuart BICEPS Jason Stuart

Biceps Curl Machine

  1. Pin a suitable weight and take position in the machine. The bench should be adjusted to a height that comfortably supports your upper arms and elbows without you needing to arch your back.

  2. Your feet should be planted firmly and your core is tight. Your arms are outstretched on the pad in a palms up grip. This is the starting position.

  3. Commence the movement by curling the machine handle up from the elbow joint and squeezing your biceps. The elbows should remain fixed on the bench pad while you exhale through the movement. Do not lift the elbows up.

  4. When your biceps are at maximum contraction and the machine handles approach your shoulders, squeeze for a second and then reverse the movement by extending the arms to the starting position, inhaling as you do.

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