Close Grip Barbell Bench Press

  1. Take position on a flat bench with your feet flat on the floor. Grip the barbell in a narrow, shoulder-width grip and arch your back slightly. Un-rack the bar so that you are at full arm extension above your chest and settle yourself.

  2. From this starting position, lower the bar over 1-2 seconds as you breathe in. Unlike a traditional barbell chest press, in the close grip press, the elbows should remain close by the body to maximise the focus on the triceps. The bar should just touch your chest around nipple line at the bottom of the movement but without bouncing off the chest.

  3. Raise the bar over 1-2 seconds as you breathe out, squeezing the triceps and returning to the starting position.


Weighted Bench Triceps Dips


Seated Overhead Barbell Triceps Extensions