Smith Machine Stiff Leg Deadlifts

  1. Position yourself in the Smith Machine with a suitable lifting weight and the bar set at its lowest level. Adopt a shoulder-width or narrower stance with feet turned slightly outward. Knees are slightly bent and head remains up. Bend forward from the hips and take position with an overhand grip on the bar no wider than shoulder-width. This is the starting position.

  2. Commence the movement by exhaling and bringing the torso up through the 90 degree angle at the starting position to the erect torso finish position, without bending the back into an arch. The hips push forward and your shoulder blades retract slightly which forces the torso straight up. Try to focus on using your buttocks and hamstrings to power the movement. In the finishing position, the legs are fully extended, the head is up and the arms hang directly down from the shoulders.

  3. Reverse the movement by inhaling and slowly bending forward from the hip until you are back in the starting position.


Barbell Stiff Leg Deadlifts


Dumbbell Deadlifts