Ep 160 - Imposter Syndrome? Let Me Help With That
Following on from the episode on self-doubt, comes this, a short episode on imposter syndrome.
Why is it that we suffer this?
How do we go about overcoming it?
Can we actually break through?
Ep 159 - Imposter Syndrome? Let Me Help With That
Following on from the episode on self-doubt, comes this, a short episode on imposter syndrome.
Why is it that we suffer this?
How do we go about overcoming it? Can we actually break through?
Ep 158 - Overcoming Self-Doubt - Here's How
Living in self-doubt is paralyzing to say the least.
When you wake up every morning, not sure of who you are and where you are doing, your energy is sucked and you motivation is taxed.
In this episode, we're going to go deep on self-doubt, and how to begin overcoming it.
As we begin to move through our self-doubt, wonderful things begin happening to us.
Ep 157 - 20kg Lost In 4 Months - Kev Grant
Every now and then, someone comes into our Academy, and sets a new level.
This is Kev. Working in the alcohol game is a tough industry to maintain health. And so, Kev accumulated a pretty good belly.
But just prior to his 50th birthday, and with plenty of hesitation and nerves, he decided, "IM ALL IN" We've got Kev on the pod to tell his story!
Ep 156 - A Strange Love Affair With The Gym
A true life love affair! After a month off lifting weights, I've rekindled my love for the gym.
Anyone that lifts seriously, knows the feeling.
I get a little reflective in this episode about the role resistance training can play in your life if you invite it in.
Ep 155 - He Ran An ULTRA-Marathon? With Mike Ilias
Coach Mike is an incredible human, Not only one of the most giving people you have ever met, But a force of nature who at 40-something, continues to push himself like he's 20!
He joins us on today's podcast to discuss a recent feat of achievement that's been over a year in the making!
Ep 154 - Motivated AF At 50 with Terry Holden
Terry is one of the Kings of Better Body Academy.
At 50 years old, and within 18 months, he has completely changed his life!
20kg down, and now one of the most consistent trainers I've met, we brought him onto the podcast to identify 4-5 ways he has stayed so relentless.
Ep 153 - The Big Mistake Made By Successful People [IMPORTANT]
This is an episode for the successful crew.
The guys and girls that have had massive success, but for some reason, stopped doing what was working.
This is a call to arms to our BBA Members to create momentum, to create our own destiny, rather than wait for motivation.
What were you doing three months ago that you stopped doing?
Ep 152 - My WHY Has Changed In The Last Year And That's OKAY!
Everybody should have a "WHY" in their health and fitness journey.
If you don't, when times get tough and you don't "FEEL" like doing anything toward your goals it'll be that much more difficult to keep on moving forward ESPECIALLY without a supportive environment.
In this episode, Coach Joey will talk about his experiences in the past year and how his WHY has changed.
Ep151 - 7 Mindsets To Remain In Momentum
Momentum is key to motivation.
You WILL have periods where the progress slows or even stops, but the key is to never stop taking the actions that have brought you the results to date.
In this episode, we give 7 critical mindsets that will help to recalibrate you if you feel out of alignment and need to be called out.
Ep 150 - Why Am I So God Damn Tired??
Feeling like your battery is CONSTANTLY drained?
Needing coffee constantly to stay alive?
Well this episode is for you! Here's we're going to troubleshoot the top 5 reasons for tiredness!
Be the detective, and work out what it is for you!
Ep 149 - ‘I’ve Fallen Off The Horse and I Don’t Know What To Do!’
Wouldn't it be so great if fat loss progress happened in a beautiful, straight line?
Unfortunately, that's just not how it works.
And because of that, we think we're failing and we question our effort and results.
The goal of this episode is to bring some clarity to what is actually happening here, so when it hits you, you know what to do.
Ep 148 - 3 Easy Ways To Win the Day With A Busy Lifestyle
"I want change ASAP. I am so ready!"
GOOD! That is exactly what we like to hear inside the BBA.
However, we want to challenge your mind to think LONG TERM.
In today's episode we chat about the 3 EASIEST WAYS to win the day. If you attempt to WIN everyday you WILL reach long term success.
Ep 147 - How To IGNITE Your Metabolism NOW!
"My metabolism is broken"
Nope, actually your metabolism is just responding to the signals you are giving it.
If you feel sluggish, lacking energy and struggle to manage your weight, then your metabolism is likely a factor.
But that's not to say you cannot improve it.
In this episode, we go through 4 simple ways you can fire up your metabolism for the benefit of longer term weight management.
Ep 146 - 5 Ways To Lean Up Without Tracking
You may not be counting calories but I can tell you, calories count!
Whatever nutrition strategy you are following, you must put yourself into a position where you are taking in less calories than you are burning.
Tracking your nutrition is the start point for anyone that is starting their journey.
But I at a certain point, you need to make the transition to a more intuitive approach.
In this episode, we give five simple strategies to adhering to your calorie deficit without tracking.
Ep 145 - Calling Herself Out Made Her Breakthrough - Brooke Witchard
Brooke is a phenomenal human.
She's an incredibly intelligent woman that struggled when it came to overall health and mindset.
It's almost as if she knew what to do, but something stopped her from taking action.
As a busy career woman, she wanted to challenge this rather than accept the status quo.
Entry into the BBA Mastermind Program was a game-changer
In this episode, we discuss her journey to date.
Ep 144 - What To Do With Negative Self Talk
The inner critic we all have is a real bastard.
It convinces us that we're a failure, that we're useless and that we'll never get ahead.
If we allow this chat to continue, it can completely overcome us.
In this episode, we go over an approach for what to do with negative self talk.
Ep 143 - The Path To Mindset Mastery
We recently finished a 12-week program with our advanced clients around Mindset Mastery.
The depth of vulnerability was incredible.
In this episode, I'm sharing 5 takeaways from the delivery of that program that are applicable to all men and women in a transformation.We recently finished a 12-week program with our advanced clients around Mindset Mastery.
The depth of vulnerability was incredible.
In this episode, I'm sharing 5 takeaways from the delivery of that program that are applicable to all men and women in a transformation.
Ep 142 - The One Reason Most People Stay Stuck
Shortcuts, shiny objects - it's just what people are drawn to.
The fitness industry makes their cash by keeping people stuck with endless plans and never actually teaching key concepts.
In this episode, we explain with examples why this is such an obvious problem for you as the consumer.
Ep 141 - The Older You Get, The Better Your Transformation
"I guess I'm just too old - so this is it!"
I wonder how many people run that through their mind as a reason for staying stuck.
Truth is, our most successful clients seem to be those nudging or over 40 years old.
So in this episode, I'm joined by Coach Carly to pull apart why the older we get, the better the transformation seems to be.
There's some lessons to be learned here!